Masks. What is really going on?

 The world endured the Spanish flu 102 years ago. You would think that in all these ensuing years the 'science' would be settled on the wearing of masks right? Especially as there have been a load more viral outbreaks since 1918.

So why is there still debate? Well I guess it all depends on who you want to listen to. Is it this Dr or that Dr? This Scientist or that Scientist? This that study...

So it begs the question. If this 'science' is not yet settled then how on earth can any governing body 'force' you to wear one? I mean hey, if the facts are there, the science has been proven then there should ab absolutely no debate. WEAR YOUR MASK!

But sadly it has all become political and just like COVID it all becomes a little bit 'suspect'. Is the mask actually a control device, so the Govt can prove its power and see just how far the public will comply? Too many questions and not enough answers,,,again.

Do you remember this, way back in January about MASKS?


Dr Chris Smith, consultant virologist at Cambridge University, told RNZ people should not buy them and instead save their money.

"Go and spend it on something useful that you enjoy doing, like having a beer. Those face masks are absolute rubbish and they do nothing."

However, he did say they had a placebo effect.

"They make you feel better, that you've done something, and they also have the effect of warning you to stay away from someone who's wearing one."

He said whether a virus could get through a face mask depended on the type of mask.

"The ones we're talking about, that you go and buy off a street vendor and you wear on the underground or tram or on the streets - those are absolutely useless. If you are in hospital and you are fit-tested for a proper prophylactic mask, those do work. And the reason they work is they form a proper seal around your face and around you nose and mouth and you also wear eye protection, and they also have very stringent filtering as well.

"The ones that you buy on the street that are cheap and nasty ... there are big gaps around the sides of your face and every time you cough and sneeze it just comes flying out the side.

"Also they dampen, so as you breathe they get damp and that dampness just makes a nice conduit through for the virus particles."

However, speaking at press briefing today New Zealand's director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said it was appropriate to wear a mask.

"I think people should wear masks if they feel that that is protecting them and/or if they feel they may be harbouring symptoms of any illness, whether it's a common cold or influenza, and that's an individual decision.

"I think there is limited evidence around the effectiveness, but I certainly wouldn't discourage people from wearing masks if they wish to."

Dr David Carrington, of St George's, University of London, told BBC News "routine surgical masks for the public are not an effective protection against viruses or bacteria carried in the air", which was how "most viruses" were transmitted, because they were too loose, had no air filter and left the eyes exposed.

But they could help lower the risk of contracting a virus through the "splash" from a sneeze or a cough and provide some protection against hand-to-mouth transmissions."

There is also information here, but of course these Drs have been 'discredited' ( Read: They speak the truth and they don't follow the political narrative.)


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