Comrade Jacinda is on the ropes

 Comrade Jacinda is scrambling to contain the groundswell of rebellion against her after COVID-19 resurfaced once again. (Did it ever leave??)

Since Day 1 this Govt here in NZ has never been clear on a Plan 'B' and instead kept indoctrinating the public every day in its 1pm news briefings with brainwashing terminology such as " go hard and go early' and the "team of 5 million."

We all bought in to it. We all dutifully obeyed her orders mainly due to uneducated fears of this 'new' Coronavirus and the fact that many people thought it was the Bubonic Plague x 10. We were never given any idea of what the end goal was. Was it to 'eliminate' the virus completely in NZ or merely to just 'contain' it somehow? There was never any talk on either of these and certainly the thought of total eradication was never considered.

Instead, we were all locked up. It was called "Quarantine" but we all know that quarantine is for the sick. Locking up Healthy people is called jail. But we all complied. The thinking was is that if we stopped moving, then the virus would too and eventually it'd just die out. Sounds logical but it is in fact the complete opposite. It is a fallacy. And proven as such now with this new outbreak. The Jacinda supporters will say that it came in through the border...yeah yeah so what...when were we to reopen the borders? In 2025? 2030?

In a country of just 5 million and with no borders, I'm sure my Grandmother could have done just as good of a job as Jacinda, and my Grandmother has been dead for 15 years. Yes, close the borders and confine everyone to their houses and hide away until the virus disappears. And then what? How long do we keep isolated from the rest of the world because the theory of hiding away might appear easy here in little ole NZ but what about the USA, UK, China, Russia, India, Africa and even bloody Antarctica?? We wait, locked up with borders closed until those countries are COVID free too? Did we do all of this crazy lockdown stuff with other viruses such as SARS, MERS, Zika etc? Yet we survived and with no vaccine either...

So Plan B looks like this. We are doomed until the lifesaving miraculous vaccine arrives. Ummm ,most experts say that SHOULD take around 7 years but thankfully this one will be rushed through in less than 9 months. Phew, had me worried there...and rest assured it will be 100% safe and effective. YEAH RIGHT.

And Plan A is an abject FAILURE and Jacinda knows it. Her rhetoric in the last few days has changed considerably since the first lockdown. Several months ago it was all based around ensuring we remained in FEAR which of course creates OBEDIANCE. The falsifying of COVID numbers was ramped up to make it look like we were in a pandemic but thankfully we didn't get a PawPaw tested and come back positive...but there was an example of where someone was pressured in to agreeing to put COVID on the death certificate of their 90 year old Nana.

Now the rhetoric is completely different. Comrade Jacinda has muzzled her MPs, tried to stop documents being leaked and is now downplaying the extent of the outbreak and instead of "going hard and going early" she has actually done the opposite and instead of putting the entire country in to Level 3 she has been soft, knowing that a full lockdown would mean NZers rebelled hard against her regime. (Which they are anyway).

We are told this is the 'expected' second wave. The truth is there was no first wave and instead of 'flattening the curve' we are in fact 'lengthening' the curve. The success of Sweden shows us now how it all should have been done.

We need to learn to live with the virus. Yes some of our elderly, our immuno-compromised and those with underlying health conditions might perish but this is the reality of this virus and to be fair we haven't contained it now so whats the difference in fighting the virus now from fighting it 4 months ago? We should be protecting the vulnerable, we should still be practicing safe hygiene methods and maintaining physical distancing when in public but please for goodness sakes LET THE HEALTHY GET BACK TO WORK!

Let us save the economy from crumbling. Let us get herd immunity. Let us save others from losing their livelihoods and save those contemplating suicide because of the barbaric restrictions placed on them. Let us protect those who are forced to isolate in abusive relationships. Let our children go to school.Let us save businesses. Let us let those at risk have their life saving treatments and surgeries. And keep those who are afraid , sick and vulnerable in Level 4 if that is their choice.

And how about we include in the list of things to do alongside wearing masks, washing hands and physical distancing ,we also educate the population on eating healthy fresh organic foods, taking proven supplements like Vitamin D and Zinc, encouraging physical exercise and fresh air and the sun and moving in to a preventative wellness lifestyle rather than a reactive lazy lifestyle. If this pandemic and the protecting of the public is all really about health then all of this should seem logical from our 'Health' experts and in the process we could also be tackling the real pandemic...Obesity and Cardivascular disease. 

End this madness.


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