What is Gain of Function research?

So what is “Gain of function” research? And why was the Wuhan Institute of Virology leading the research in to ‘SARS LIKE CLUSTER POSES THREAT FOR HUMAN EMERGENCE”


In layman’s terms, ‘Gain of function’ means just that. It is changing the cellular structure of a virus in a laboratory to increase or decrease its potential. It’s use is highly controversial. The main use of doing this type of research is to try and replicate viruses to make vaccines for. For example the influenza virus constantly mutates and changes so scientists will try to predict its shape and create a vaccine for that. That’s why you need yearly ‘booster’ shots and the explanation given is that the “vaccine protects against last years strain”....
Some key points from this article.
“Given that symbolic language is the basis for much of human communication, we begin with terminology and dissect the phrase “gain of function,” or GOF. When applied to influenza virus research, the term GOF has taken on the meaning of something dangerous, risky, and possibly nefarious. However, GOF means exactly what it says, that the entity in question has gained a new property. In the case of influenza virus, the concern regarding GOF has been associated with the acquisition of a new function, such as mammalian transmissibility, increased virulence for humans, or evasion of existing host immunity”
Note that last sentence and let that sit for a bit.
“In recent months the controversy over GOF experiments has been rekindled by reports of the generation of new viruses that are similar to the 1918 strain (6) and further fueled by two laboratory accidents at the Centers for Disease Control that heightened concern about accidental escape of laboratory strains with pandemic potential. “
So we have already established several ‘accidents’ in labs using Gain of function study https://science.sciencemag.org/content/304/5671/659?fbclid=IwAR2ghLj9PIC9n-uWB6ILua4NPXLFFMM5B5Ru95ssvVib1GdviH_AcXtG8hU
“Hence, GOF is a powerful experimental tool that is routinely used in biomedical research, and the concern with influenza virus research is not gain of function per se but rather the selection of variants with increased mammalian transmissibility and virulence that could affect human populations if there were deliberate or accidental release. “
An ‘experimental tool’ that ‘could affect human populations if there were deliberate or accidental release.’ Wow...
“For example, H5N1 mutational analysis showed that the efficiency of viral replication in avian and mammalian cells is dependent on hemagglutinin polymorphisms that facilitate activation at lower pH ("This finding could be exploited to increase the yield of virus during preparation of vaccine stocks. “)
‘Preparation of vaccine stocks’?? What the...??
“The risks fall into two general categories that are separate but related: namely, biosecurity and biosafety. Biosecurity risk is the likelihood that someone would use products or information gained from GOF experiments that led to a more pathogenic virus to carry out intentional damage in the form of bioterrorism. Biosafety risk is the likelihood of accidental escape that could trigger an outbreak and epidemic. “
Biosecurity and Biosafety. And using ‘intentional damage’ and ‘bioterrorism’ in the same sentence.
“Prior experience with lab accidents was used by Lipsitch and Bloom to suggest that there is a significant likelihood that a major lab accident could occur with GOF influenza virus strains (12). In fact, there is strong circumstantial evidence that the reintroduction of H1N1 into human circulation in 1977 after its disappearance in 1950 began with the accidental release of a laboratory strain (13). “
So let’s get this straight. Wuhan Institute of Virology did gain of function research on this virus strain that’s created this ‘pandemic’ but it either came from a bat at a wet market, or accidentally been transmitted by a lab worker in Wuhan or deliberately released.
We may never know the truth. But I do know this. Vaccine makers are scrambling to be the first to make this ‘life saving’ vaccine that will bring in Billions of dollars of revenue and strangely enough they had a head start knowing the virus sequence from their studies in the lab.
Why did Anthony Fauci give $7.4 million dollars to this study under the guise of the NIAID? And why did the USA send China a 3 page “please explain” letter? Why have the USA defunded WHO? And who is the biggest single contributor to WHO? And that same person has financial ties to every major vaccine maker and pharmaceutical company. And who did NZ donate $7 million to and a further $32 million to? GAVI has who as a major funder? And who is the person trying to mandate forced vaccinations for his vaccine?
Join a few dots everyone...


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