Things that make you go Hmmmm...
I’ve been making notes ( 208 pages to be exact lol) on this whole COVID saga and the more I dig the deeper in corrupt BS I get. It’s been a fascinating journey in to the world of Big Pharma, Politics and the never ending lies and deception and false news that’s substantiated by unsubstantiated claims from mainstream news and experts who aren’t experts but experts that are but not 🤣🤣
So anyway, I’ve already uncovered the fact that the studies were being done on ‘Bat Viruses’ as far back as 2015…/a-sars-like-cluster-of-circulatin… with Wuhan Institute of Virology as a lead researcher. I also uncovered the study that showed the genome sequencing of the virus had been altered, therefore it was a lab made virus.
This is part of my notes I was hoping to share below, however on double checking my study I see that yet again it has been “withdrawn” and censored. Why?
There has been a lot of speculation about the coronavirus such as where it originated, how it spread to humans, and was the large maximum-security biological laboratory, coincidentally located in Wuhan, somehow involved in this virus outbreak?
With some new information, it appears that this is indeed the case - that not only was the Wuhan laboratory involved in experimenting with the SARS coronavirus, they published scientific studies on it, AND appear to have created this new coronavirus by playing with its genetics to create a new and potentially more dangerous and deadly virus, before it was either accidently or deliberately released!
In a scientific study published in 2010, scientists at the Wuhan laboratory studied the SARS coronavirus to identify whether bats could be the natural host for SARS, and which bats are associated with this virus. Remember in the early days of the new novel coronavirus, that it was suggested in the media that bats may have been involved! The scientists published that there were indeed 2 species of bats that were susceptible to SARS, and may be the original host of the virus. (Hou et al., 2010) (study link here:…/10.1007%2Fs00705-010-0729-6
But now is the real shock...
Scientists in India have published a very recent study (on Jan 31, 2020), to look at the genetic sequence of the new novel coronavirus, to get clues as to its evolution and capacity to cause symptoms and disease. (Pradhan et al., 2020) (full study link here:…/10.1…/2020.01.30.927871v1.full.pdf
The Indian scientists have found that the new coronavirus is based on the 2003 SARS virus but has 4 new genetic sequences added into it, that are not found in any other coronavirus. Interestingly, ALL 4 of these genetic sequences added to this virus' genetic code come from the HIV-1 virus! Yes, the new coronavirus has had 4x HIV gene sequences inserted into it. The HIV virus has been depleting human immune systems since the 1980s, and is one factor which leads to a diagnosis of AIDS.
The Indian scientists published that the 4x HIV sequences in the coronavirus would not be possible in nature. Hence the new novel coronavirus is MAN-MADE.
And it was most likely made in the Wuhan laboratory to change the preference of the host from a bat to human, and then somehow released into humans, where it was able to start infecting from one human to another.
These new findings should really make people (and governments) question why scientists are "playing with" such viruses, how can they be allowed to create newer and more dangerous viruses, and how can these somehow escape from high security labs.
This is NOT the first time. During the SARS outbreak there were THREE such ‘accidents’
Things that make you go hmmmmm
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