Shocking new documentary uncovers the truth.
There is huge anticipation surrounding the movie/documentary entitled "Bought"
Director Jeff Hays has sought to uncover the truth about three key areas in 'Health' care (read : SICKcare).... Vaccine Safety,GMOs and Big Pharma.
It uncovers the dramatic realisation that multi billion dollar corporations are in it for the is BIG business. Do they care about your health? I doubt it..
If you and I were the CEOs of a major pharmaceutical company,would we want healthy people roaming this planet? If our role was to deliver a profit back to our shareholders,how would we do that?By selling more product of course! How do we do that? By convincing gullible people that they simply can not live a normal healthy life without medical intervention and a cocktail of expensive drugs.
Look at the three key issues in the Movie.
Vaccine safety:
Director Jeff Hays has sought to uncover the truth about three key areas in 'Health' care (read : SICKcare).... Vaccine Safety,GMOs and Big Pharma.
It uncovers the dramatic realisation that multi billion dollar corporations are in it for the is BIG business. Do they care about your health? I doubt it..
If you and I were the CEOs of a major pharmaceutical company,would we want healthy people roaming this planet? If our role was to deliver a profit back to our shareholders,how would we do that?By selling more product of course! How do we do that? By convincing gullible people that they simply can not live a normal healthy life without medical intervention and a cocktail of expensive drugs.
Look at the three key issues in the Movie.
Vaccine safety:
- Because vaccines are unsafe, the US government established the Federal Vaccine Court to protect the vaccine industry and acknowledge and compensate victims.
- The official line is that vaccines do not cause autism - a disorder that the CDC has just reported affects 1 in 32 boys, 6-17 years of age.
- The fact is that the Federal Vaccine Court has been quietly settling cases of brain damage that resulted in autism for many years and these awards have been made to cover autism treatments.
- We have exclusive access to those who have won and lost in Vax court and they have agreed to be part of a documentary. They are articulate, knowledgeable, and compelling historians.
- These are not “anti-vaccine” people, as evidenced by the fact that the reason they were in vaccine court is because of what happened when they DID vaccinate their children.
- The core question is "Why did these families win and yet the test case in the (thousands-strong class action) Autism Omnibus Proceedings - Michelle Cedillo - lose, given the fact that the clinical presentation in these cases was virtually identical?
- Among those who have agreed to take part are plaintiff's lawyers who fought the winning and losing cases.
- The conclusion is that Michelle Cedillo could not be allowed to win - the consequences for the Medical-Industrial complex are too great.
- Last year Prop 37 in California was a shoe-in to win.
- Surveys showed as much as 85% of the public wants GMOs labeled on our foods. $6.7 million was raised and the proposition was headed for passage.
- Then Monsanto, Dow and food manufacturing giants sprinted to the finish with over $45 million and defeated the proposition by 6 points.
- Then in March of 2013, the “Monsanto Protection Act” was tacked on to HR933 and signed into law.
- Are GMOs safe? It doesn’t matter, you won’t be suing their creators. Our food safety has been sold out from under us. It’s been Bought.
- More recently, the Senate struck down an amendment to the Farm Bill that would have allowed states to require GM food labelling.
- It would have caused the FDA and USDA to report to Congress the percentage of GMOs in foods and beverages within two years.
- If GMOs are safe, why all the work to keep them hidden?
- The question was asked in an editorial, “Is academic medicine for sale?” The answer, “no, the current owner is quite happy.”
- From opiates, to statins, to a blizzard of psychotropic medications that do far more harm than good, we’re covering how our entire health care system, from education to practice has been Bought.
- With shocking stories from our military’s use of psychotropic medications and the tragic outcomes of this failing experiment to lives and families lost in a haze of pharmaceutical drugs.
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