
What is fear? I think we have always assumed that it was just one of the primal instincts we all inherently had and that fear triggered our "Fight or Flight" response.

This quote sums it up nicely in that Fear "is a product of the thoughts that we create.."
Fear is not real.

To ignite the primal Fight or Flight response there is always a physiological reaction to a perceived attack or threat to survival.

Fear doesn't come in to this equation.

Fear would actually prevent us from activating the Sympathetic nervous system to constrict the blood vessels and sphincters of the body,to accelerate the actions of the heart and lungs,to dilate the pupils and to prepare for battle.

Fear would RESTRICT us.Fear would have had our ancestors shaking in their boots at the mere thought of a Woolly Mammoth or Sabertooth Tiger prowling in their midst.

And fear to this day kills our dreams and our ambitions by the very THOUGHT of what MAY happen.

Unshackle your fears,shake it off as a product of the thoughts that you create and step out in to the unknown with big goals and dreams.

Good Luck :)


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