Yeah, so this whole ’scamdemic’ is all about our health right? And saving lives..protecting the “team of 5 million” ....
But me and many other educated people all over the world have quite a few questions that we want answered.
Let’s go through them then maybe we can present these to Comrade Jacinda, Bloomfield, Baker and Wiles and get some much needed answers...bahahaaa DONT hold your breath!!
Out of all the vaccines ( reportedly over 35 candidates) that were fighting for the rights to be ‘the one’ that gained the green light to inject the world, how come only Moderna and Pfizer were accepted? Why has Russia’s Sputnik vaccine not been accepted despite a (supposedly) 92% effectiveness? Why did Merck withdraw their vaccine?
How come the Moderna vaccine can be stored at room temperature but the Pfizer va$$ine needs to be stored at -60?
Are they different vaccines with different ingredients then?
How come the ‘experts’ say the va$$ines are (supposedly) effective against the ‘variant’ strains and all other mutations of the virus?
Why did they say that they may ‘mix’ the two vaccines to get efficacy against strains?
How on earth did they come to the conclusion that we need two doses? Why not one or ten? How did they find that two were best in trials? And how did they find out that the jabs are best when given 3 weeks or 4 weeks apart? Why not 2 weeks or 10 weeks? How did they come to this conclusion?
Have a read of this for an explanation. : “So some scientists have suggested postponing the second shots of two-dose vaccines to make more available for people to get their first doses. The original recommended interval was 21 days between doses for the Pfizer vaccine and 28 days for the Moderna shots, the two currently authorized in the U.S.”
Sounds a bit hit and miss right?
Is the vaccine preventing the recipient getting COVID? If not why not?
Is the vaccine preventing the recipient passing on COVID? If not why not?
What due diligence was taken to investigate Pfizer's ethics as a company?
Given that Pfizer has successfully been indicted and fined for fraud in the past, what changes to the management of the company were made that reassured you that Pfizer was no longer fraudulent?
Were you concerned that Pfizer were so wealthy that any damages caused by their product could simply be seen by the company as a "cost" against their eventual profit and so written off as just "part of the overall cost" for the company? If you were not concerned about this, please explain why not?
Please give me a list of the names and positions of those government Ministers and staff who were part of this approval process that enabled Pfizer to gain the contract for providing NZ with Coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccines.
Can you please state the reasons as to why NZ Government indemnified Pfizer against damages? Why are these vaccine companies immune from ANY civil liability?
What method will the NZ government use to deal with harm caused by the Pfizer Coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccines to New Zealanders ie. death, permanent disabilities or temporary disabilities?
Will ACC be used to pay for damages relating to the above named vaccines?
Why are people not being tested for Covid BEFORE they have the vaccine?
Why after having the vaccine are the ‘experts’ telling us that we will still need to wear masks and social distance?
Why was there a study of this virus being undertaken using Gain of Function research as far back as 2014? Why did the Obama administration deem it too dangerous to have in the USA ( UNC chapel hill ) so it was sent offshore to the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Why are we being led to believe that this virus came from "a bat in a wet market?"
Why did Anthony Fauci as head of the NIH donate $7.4 million to aid and continue the research in to the virus?
Why is Bill Gates so influential at the WHO? How did he become the single biggest donor to WHO? What ties does he have to Moderna and Pfizer?
What ties does Fauci have to Moderna and Pfizer?
Why did Melinda Gates feel the need to have to ring NZ Prime Minister Ardern to ensure that NZ keeps up with the agreement made with GAVI?
Who runs GAVI? Why did NZ donate $32 million of taxpayer money to GAVI?
Why has there been such differing ‘expert’ opinions on lockdowns and masks?
Why is there a huge push to silence those who ask the tough questions?
Why are Drs, Epidemiologists and many other experts being silenced? Why are cheap and readily available drugs such as Ivermectin, HCQ and Zinc not being promoted as being effective against COVID despite overwhelming evidence saying they are effective?
Why is the PCR test the main test for COVID despite the fact that the developer of the test himself says it is an unreliable test for COVID?
Why are so many deaths being attributed to COVID despite the fact that they have clearly died from other causes? Even the CDC admits that only 6% of deaths are attributed to COVID alone while the other 94% of reported deaths are from at least 2.5 other underlying causes. So why are we trying to push the death rate up?
Why is the death rate overall no different in 2020 compared to previous years? Why has influenza and pneumonia deaths decreased dramatically in 2020?
With all these ‘cases’ here in Managed Isolation here in NZ, how many have been hospitalised or died?
With these Community Cases of this different more ‘aggressive’ and ‘deadlier’ and ‘transmissible’ strain why has there been no other spread despite these affected people visiting numerous stores and towns? Even close contacts have tested negative...
So many more questions....
#COVID #Scamdemic #Plandemic #Hoax #Fraud #Corruption #FireFauci #EvilBillGates
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