Latest musings..
Well it has been a while since I put my thoughts to paper. So much has gone on in the last 4-5 weeks and so much information has come to hand it is all rather overwhelming to digest 😃
I also feel kind of muzzled too and this really frustrates me. My immediate family feel very vulnerable because of my outspoken thoughts and while there has been no obvious threat they all feel that they are being judged and persecuted because of me, so I have made a promise to tone down my outrage.
But then this goes against everything I stand for and believe in. Freedom of speech and seeking the truth. If I uncover some cold hard facts and I see a great article then I feel obliged to share it. People don't have to agree with me or think the way I do but I do expect people to think! And I encourage that. The last thing I want to see is a Nation of blind sheep just recklessly trucking along under the assumption that everything is ok because their "single source of truth" says so.
So where do I start with what has happened lately? How about the CDC releasing damning figures saying that in the USA alone, of the 181,000 deaths labelled as COVID deaths, only 6% of those actually died FROM the virus itself. The other 94% of people labelled as COVID deaths actually died WITH the virus and on average had 2.5 other co-morbidities meaning that they may have died from Cancer and Diabetes but also had COVID in their system.
So on those figures just over 9,000 people in the entire country of America died exclusively from COVID. But factor in to that the average age of those dying and then you have the outrageous statistic that if you are under 60 years of age then the chances of you dying from COVID is 1 in 19.1 million.
Yet we have locked down entire countries and destroyed economies because of this virus. And who can forget this..”The case definition is very simplistic...”
Just last week the trials of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine were put on hold because a trial participant "fell ill" ( depending on what source you get the info from). If suffering from Transverse Myelitis is "falling ill" then the Twin Towers falling down is a minor car accident.
Yet we are told that all is ok, and that the trials will resume. A vaccine that has already been ordered in huge numbers and pre-paid for by several countries! A vaccine that Bill Gates says every person on the planet needs to get, and that life cannot return to the normal we once knew until everyone is vaccinated.
This is the same guy who boasts that for every dollar he spends on vaccines he gets $20 back...a 20-1 return on his 'investment"...It just defies belief. But I’ll say this, Gates is pure evil.
We have seen numerous 'Freedom Marches' around the world as citizens protest against their tyrannical regimes and letting the Globalists know that they don't want to be locked up and that all the latest research states that lockdowns are totally unnecessary. And of course these very same marches are being blamed for the spreading of the virus yet huge BLM marches and riots just dont seem to trigger that same response. Weird.
And the same question keeps popping up. What is Plan B? After locking down countries in an attempt to 'eliminate' the virus, what is next? Let us say hypothetically that here in New Zealand we actually do ERADICATE the virus completely. So we shut the borders and isolate the citizens in their homes until the virus dies a slow death. In theory this is great and it is what this Govt has attempted to do based on their 'science' and advice (Regardless of dissenting views they have chosen the 'experts' that fit their narrative). And so for 102 days here in NZ we were COVID free and our Prime Minister "did a little dance."
Celebrating too early makes you look like a fool.
So NZ became the toast of the world, but looking through blinkered glasses with tunnel vision leaves you open to attack from those who know that the virus has not been eradicated, nor eliminated and not even CONTAINED anywhere else in the world. So how long do we keep our borders shut?? 5 years? 10 years?? And how are we expected to go about our 'normal' business with Zero tourism and Zero imports and exports and businesses going bankrupt? How are we able to sustain our economy and for how long? These are simple questions that should have simple answers but we are being kept in the dark because quite simply this Govt has no answers except to keep persisting with their failed 'elimination' strategy and sending us all in to lockdowns at every outbreak. ( Note how the CDC has removed "Pandemic" from its Coronavirus info and replaced it with "Outbreak")
And here we are 8 months on and we are no better off. An economist predicts that it will take 92 years to pay off this current debt we have accrued because of the failed strategy and when the wage subsidy expires next week then it is predicted that over 60,000 people will be out of a job.
Yet this Govt throws money at employers to ensure their workers are paid but if there is no Business then there is no employees. Strange that they cant see this obvious fact. Meanwhile our GDP is plummeting and we are getting deeper in the crap but it seems that if we have dug ourselves a huge hole then to save egg on the face we just have to keep digging...
And Sweden continues to thrive.
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