The Power of Chiropractic
Chiropractic is far more than just "clicking bones" and "aligning the spine."
Chiropractic is about achieving the optimal potential of the body,and ensuring that there is no nerve interference. When the body can work as it is designed to,then many 'symptoms' take care of themselves.
This is why I refer to my favourite phrase of "finding the cause rather than treat a symptom."
Bed wetting is a great example of that. I have had many young children over the years who have been brought in to me to 'treat' bed wetting. I don't claim to heal patients of any condition,including bed wetting. But what I do claim is this. I'll 'adjust' the spine and relieve the spine of any mechanical dysfunction and any spastic musculature,that could possibly be impinging on the nervous system. I'll deliver specific adjustments to a specific bone and move it in a specific direction. Once the nervous system dysfunction has been addressed,then normal transmission can resume.
In the case of bed wetting for example,there may be some dysfunction throughout the spine,specifically at the nerve root of the 3rd lumbar. This would affect the pathway between nerve,bladder and brain,sending mixed or non existent messages up and down the spine,which houses the nervous system. If we can restore this pathway back to normal function,then that person would get the message from the bladder to the brain in the middle of the night saying "hey,wake up,I'm full...go to the toilet"
The parents of this young patient are very happy. And considering that my young patient thought he was just getting regularly checked for his sporting 'injuries' and not for bed wetting (as he'd have been so embarrassed) we can safely assume that there is zero placebo effect here and it wasn't any "spontaneous remission" smile emoticon
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