Marketing of Prescription Drugs to Doctors.
This is hilarious to watch,but oh so true. The massive influence that the multi-BILLION dollar pharmaceutical companies have over our 'Health' (read- SICKness) is beyond a joke!
*Every day in the USA alone,Pharmaceutical companies spend $10 million ...every DAY,on ADVERTISING their prescription drugs*. They are bombarding you and telling you that you cannot lead a healthy life without having to take one or more of their drugs. This is insane.
*Every year in the USA alone,over 110,000 people DIE as a result of an adverse reaction to prescription drugs.*It is the third leading cause of death behind Heart Disease and Cancer. This is insane.
Think on this. If you and I were the CEOs of a major Pharmaceutical company,what would our job be to do? Make profits,right? And how would we do that? Sell more product,right? And how do we sell more product (drugs)? Convince the 'sheep'-ple of this world that they need pharmaceutical drugs.Make up some more "diseases" and "conditions" so that more drugs can be made to combat these conditions.
Pharmaceutical companies don't want healthy people in this world! Fact. They want Sick people that they can market to. If everyone in this world ate a varied and healthy diet void of fatty fast foods,if everyone in this world exercised vigorously five times a week and avoided the couch,TV and the XBox,if everyone in this world had regular checks with their Health and Wellness practitioner who focused on their patients HEALTH and WELLNESS and not their SICKness and treating symptoms,then Pharmaceutical companies would go out of business.Fact.
Next time you pop a pill,ask yourself this. Am I treating the CAUSE or am I treating a SYMPTOM?
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