
Showing posts from June, 2015


‪ Yesterday I had some Acupuncture on my elbow that I injured several weeks ago in the gym. I hadn't been able to fully rest it as I use my hands and arms all day in clinic,plus I'm not the best patient continued going to the gym as well! Enough was enough though when I struggled to adjust my patients correctly and the pain became too much. I'm thankful that I have James in the room across from me,so he put me on his table and inserted 4 needles in to the acupressure points then used electro-stimulation of the needles. Today it feels about 90% better already,I'm a very happy chappy :) Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese healing which balances the body,mind and spirit.Very fine sterile needles are inserted into the body at carefully selected points to stimulate the body's own healing processes. These points lie on pairs of channels that cover the body and through which "qi" (pronounced "chee") flows. Traditional Ch...

Exercise: A mood changer

Ask a daily runner why she runs and you’re likely to hear, “It makes me feel good.” Those of us who aren’t fond of exercise of any type might find this really hard to understand. How can something that makes you sweat and pant actually make you feel good? Can Exercise Affect Your Mood? Simple answer – absolutely. Let’s go back to our running example – some might say they run when they feel stressed out. Others might say they run after an argument with a spouse. Why do they say this? Because they feel different after a run. They may feel stronger, calmer or happier; many runners report that they experience a “runner’s high” that helps them to push past physical pain and limitations. It’s a known fact that exercise releases certain chemicals in the brain, including endorphins and dopamine, which affect mood. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers – in fact endorphins are more powerful than morphine. They help an athlete to stay in the game and push past their pain after an inju...

What is in your kitchen?

‪#‎Chiropractic‬ is a ‪#‎Holistic‬ Healthcare profession. While our main focus and expertise is on the spine and optimal function of the nervous system,we also provide advice on lifestyle,diet and exercise which all play a major part in ones overall health. I am a huge believer in the fact that you are what you eat and that we should all "let food be thy medicine." Did you know that your kitchen cupboards are chock-full of good stuff that works as natural remedies for many common ailments? What we eat has a huge impact on our health, and this has never been more apparent than in today’s world. We know that some foods are good and that others don’t nourish our bodies as well. Chinese medicine experts, Yuan Wang and Warren Sheir and writer Mika Ono co-author the book Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life. They share research about some items that you probably have lying around your kitchen that might help keep you healthy. ...

Are you Pro-Active or Re-Active?

When it comes to your health, ask yourself this question: “Am I proactive or reactive?” Being reactive means taking action only when you’re in pain. Being proactive means doing what it takes to maintain good health. Being reactive means getting up off the couch because your family member or friend told you so. Being proactive means getting up off the couch and being active because you want to and you know it is good for you! Being reactive means grabbing the quickest source of sugary sweets to combat a stressful moment. Being proactive means eating healthy food (including healthy fats) when you’re hungry and when you need it most to properly maintain healthy stress levels. Reactive = Symptoms Being reactive can often be tied to symptoms. When you experience pain, this symptom tells you that something’s wrong and needs to be corrected. Correcting the cause of the symptom takes a level of commitment and sacrifice. It takes being proactive. No matter where you are on the reactive/proac...

Gold Medal

We did it!! Unbeaten through the tournament and finished off with a 24-7 win over Malaysia in the Gold Medal match. Couldn't be prouder!!