
Showing posts from December, 2014

Protein "Power Shake"

Ingredients for my lunchtime Protein "Power Shake" after my workout. 1 cup of Kale. 1/2 an Avocado. 1/2 Banana. LSA seeds(Linseed,Sunflower,Almond). Blueberries. 2 scoops Protein Powder. Almond Milk. Lunchtime 'Power Shake' Blend it up and enjoy. #TurningOnThePower #Health #Fitness Vary it up by adding in Turmeric also.

Kick start your Health and Fitness regime for 2015

Wanting to kick start your Health and Fitness regime for 2015? Do you need a boost to realize your New Years Resolution? #Health and #Fitness at Club Physical Here is a very generous offer from our friends at CLUB PHYSICAL. 12 days of FREE FITNESS at any of their Club Physical branches. What a great way to get in to a gym and try it out. This also makes for an awesome gift. Give me a call on (09)4786578 or email me at if you want one. Go on,JUST DO IT! #Health #Wellness #Fitness #Chiropractic #ClubPhysical

Shocking new documentary uncovers the truth.

There is huge anticipation surrounding the movie/documentary entitled " Bought" Director Jeff Hays has sought to uncover the truth about three key areas in 'Health' care (read : SICKcare).... Vaccine Safety,GMOs and Big Pharma. It uncovers the dramatic realisation that multi billion dollar corporations are in it for the is BIG business. Do they care about your health? I doubt it.. If you and I were the CEOs of a major pharmaceutical company,would we want healthy people roaming this planet? If our role was to deliver a profit back to our shareholders,how would we do that?By selling more product of course! How do we do that? By convincing gullible people that they simply can not live a normal healthy life without medical intervention and a cocktail of expensive drugs. Look at the three key issues in the Movie. Vaccine safety: Because vaccines are unsafe, the US government established the Federal Vaccine Court to protect the vaccine industry and acknow...

The "If Only" Man...

We have all seen and heard them before..those lonely old guys in the pub,crying in to their pints of beer and telling anyone that will listen how good they used to be. The Man who constantly looks back to a lost past and fails to see a bright future.The "If Only" Men..those who bemoan the fact that they never took their chances in life,and now live with regret. Don't be that "If Only" person I see it far too often nowadays with Rugby players that I've been, and continue to be associated with. The Man who promises so much but fails to deliver. And yet they don't realise that when their time is up and the body is no longer the machine that it once was,that there is no going back. They cannot relive any glory days and they will constantly live with the "If Onlys." "If Only I'd trained harder..listened to advice..partied less..focused more..dedicated myself to fulfilling my potential..." The "If Onlys" are limitl...


What is fear? I think we have always assumed that it was just one of the primal instincts we all inherently had and that fear triggered our "Fight or Flight" response. This quote sums it up nicely in that Fear "is a product of the thoughts that we create.." Fear is not real. To ignite the primal Fight or Flight response there is always a physiological reaction to a perceived attack or threat to survival. Fear doesn't come in to this equation. Fear would actually prevent us from activating the Sympathetic nervous system to constrict the blood vessels and sphincters of the body,to accelerate the actions of the heart and lungs,to dilate the pupils and to prepare for battle. Fear would RESTRICT us.Fear would have had our ancestors shaking in their boots at the mere thought of a Woolly Mammoth or Sabertooth Tiger prowling in their midst. And fear to this day kills our dreams and our ambitions by the very THOUGHT of what MAY happen. Unshackle your f...

My Chiropractic story..

Pi Kappa Chi- Palmer College (USA) 1995 Flick up the lazi-boy chair, grab a cuppa and settle in.This is my story of how I became a Dr of Chiropractic. It began funnily enough in Hawaii of all places,after a Rugby 7s tournament at the end of 1992. I was over there playing for the Champion Silverdale 7s side who had previously in the year won the North Harbour title and also the prestigious Taupiri 7s. As part of the Taupiri prize package,it granted us an invite in to the Hawaii 7s International tournament. After 2 days of 7s and when the final whistle had blown,I was relaxing under a tree with the rest of the boys having a beer. When the time came to stand up and get back to the hotel,I couldn't move. I virtually had to be carried back to the hotel,but once I got moving and with the aid of a couple of beers,it all seemed to come right! But it was not to be. I was to endure 2 more years of frustration,pain and the prognosis that I'd never play Rugby again. To build the bigger...

Everything in Moderation..

At this time of the year,I start to see those people that are already thinking of their 'New Years Resolutions' and most of them involve changing their lifestyle to be more proactive with their health and to lose weight. Unfortunately in my 15 years of being in the healthcare profession,these people either get some bad advice or no advice at all and subsequently end up crashing and burning and losing track of their goals within the first two weeks of the New Year. And why is that? I think it is because their goals are too rigid with very little flexibility,and people try to do too much too soon and over complicate things. Why try to run a Marathon on New Years Day when you've never done a days exercise in your life? Why try to eat lettuce for a week when you have never dieted before? My advice is this. Do what you need to do,take your time in doing it and do everything in Moderation ...that way the journey will be less painful and the benefits are far more like...