Pi Kappa Chi- Palmer College (USA) 1995 Flick up the lazi-boy chair, grab a cuppa and settle in.This is my story of how I became a Dr of Chiropractic. It began funnily enough in Hawaii of all places,after a Rugby 7s tournament at the end of 1992. I was over there playing for the Champion Silverdale 7s side who had previously in the year won the North Harbour title and also the prestigious Taupiri 7s. As part of the Taupiri prize package,it granted us an invite in to the Hawaii 7s International tournament. After 2 days of 7s and when the final whistle had blown,I was relaxing under a tree with the rest of the boys having a beer. When the time came to stand up and get back to the hotel,I couldn't move. I virtually had to be carried back to the hotel,but once I got moving and with the aid of a couple of beers,it all seemed to come right! But it was not to be. I was to endure 2 more years of frustration,pain and the prognosis that I'd never play Rugby again. To build the bigger...