
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Yeah, so this whole ’scamdemic’ is all about our health right? And saving lives..protecting the “team of 5 million” .... But me and many other educated people all over the world have quite a few questions that we want answered. Let’s go through them then maybe we can present these to Comrade Jacinda, Bloomfield, Baker and Wiles and get some much needed answers...bahahaaa DONT hold your breath!! Ok here we go. Out of all the vaccines ( reportedly over 35 candidates) that were fighting for the rights to be ‘the one’ that gained the green light to inject the world, how come only Moderna and Pfizer were accepted? Why has Russia’s Sputnik vaccine not been accepted despite a (supposedly) 92% effectiveness? Why did Merck withdraw their vaccine? How come the Moderna vaccine can be stored at room temperature but the Pfizer va$ $ine needs to be stored at -60? Are they different vaccines with different ingredients then? How come the ‘experts’ say the va$ $ines are (supposedly) effective a...