
Showing posts from February, 2015


New research into the effects of chiropractic care suggests that it may have an important role to play in maximising sporting performance and aid recovery from a range of conditions where muscle function has been compromised. The New Zealand College of Chiropractic’s Centre for Chiropractic Research has recently published a study in the journal Experimental Brain Research1 which demonstrates that following a full spine chiropractic adjustment session there was an increase in the subjects’ ability to contract one of their leg muscles. The study shows an increase in muscle electrical activity readings of almost 60% and a 16% increase in absolute force measures. There was also a 45% increase in the ‘drive’ from the brain to the muscle (the degree to which the brain can activate that particular muscle) and a small, but significant, shift in the H reflex curve (a neurophysiological measure of spinal cord excitability). Dr Heidi Haavik, chiropractor and Director of Research a...

The tale of two very different patients

I had an interesting time this morning when I was able to see two quite different patients one after the other. My first patient was 'Lynne' who is a 1947 baby (aged 67). She was one of my first ever patients when I began in clinic way back in May 2000. I've seen her through her journey to the top of Mount Everest,the jungles of South America and countless other adventures all around the world and I've also seen her through some tough times including the death of her husband. 'Lynne' stays very fit and active and has done all her life. She is a regular "wellness" patient and sees me once a month for her 'Warrant of Fitness' to correct any spinal dysfunction,enabling her to maintain her optimal health. 'She is very conscious of what she eats,and even at 67 she cuts a quite striking,slender figure. This morning she me told all about her 5 days canoeing on the Wanganui River just last week. And she is off again in a few months,this time to A...

Marketing of Prescription Drugs to Doctors.

This is hilarious to watch,but oh so true. The massive influence that the multi-BILLION dollar pharmaceutical companies have over our 'Health' (read- SICKness) is beyond a joke! *Every day in the USA alone,Pharmaceutical companies spend $10 million ...every DAY,on ADVERTISING their prescription drugs*. They are bombarding you and telling you that you cannot lead a healthy life without having to take one or more of their drugs. This is insane. *Every year in the USA alone,over 110,000 people DIE as a result of an adverse reaction to prescription drugs.*It is the third leading cause of death behind Heart Disease and Cancer. This is insane. Think on this. If you and I were the CEOs of a major Pharmaceutical company,what would our job be to do? Make profits,right? And how would we do that? Sell more product,right? And how do we sell more product (drugs)? Convince the 'sheep'-ple of this world that they need pharmaceutical drugs.Make up some more "diseases" and ...

What will the last ten years of your life look like?

Your future is determined by your present actions. All the groundwork that you do now,will reap you the rewards tomorrow.Be disciplined in how you treat your body,and in turn your body will serve you well. It is never too late to change your lifestyle,but remember that making changes to your diet,exercise routine and mental state of mind should become a habit and not a fad. Surround yourself with like minded people and live the life that you deserve. Chiropractic healthcare is just a small part of the big picture,but it is an essential part. Healthy functioning joints,releasing of muscular tension and correct transmission of nervous impulses contribute to a healthy functioning nervous system and a body that works as it is designed to work. HEALTHcare and not SICKness care. Being PRO-active to your health and not RE-active to a symptom. Enjoy this short may change you forever smile emoticon