
Showing posts from 2019

Fitness is your friend

For any athlete in any sport, being physically fit is a given. So when the call comes out for a 'fitness' session...why the glum faces ? The battle hardened warriors soak up these sessions knowing that the pain is short lived and the gains are well worth it. Others are not so convinced. "Do we have to? Its not 'fun' can't we do something else?" But fitness is our friend. And once we understand that fitness will NEVER leave our side in our toughest times then we can learn to embrace fitness and cherish it. Because in those last few minutes of a big game when your lungs are burning and your chest is heaving, fitness will be on your shoulder helping you through. It will be in the depths of your mind pushing you to take that next step. It will be in the belly of your heart muscle pumping that blood through quicker then ever and it will always be helping you when you most need it. Fitness never leaves your side unless you want it to. If you push fitness...