
Showing posts from December, 2015

Elderly bodies are made in their youth

The first official week of Summer has been and gone here in New Zealand. One of the common quotes throughout Winter from all the gyms is that "Summer bodies are made in Winter." True true. But as a Chiropractor,I'll take that quote further,and say that "Elderly bodies are made in their youth." Too often I see middle aged and elderly people hobbling in with degenerative issues and complete lack of any muscle tone. This could easily have been resolved when they were 'ten foot tall and bulletproof' in their younger years. Instead,they embark on an intensive Health and Fitness regime that is too much for their ailing body,and so they either quit or plod along at a leisurely pace that has minimal positive effects. It just becomes "too hard" and with a total lack of 'muscle memory' sometimes it seems impossible. A young body that is subjected to processed foods,late nights,boozy parties and zero exercise will not last too long until it even...