Balance and the 80/20 rule
When I first read this brilliant piece,I knew I just had to save it and re-read it. It is certainly a mantra that I try and live by. As I've mentioned before,everything we should do in life should be in balance,with the ultimate goal being excellent health,sharp mind and a high quality of life. Too often I see people get so caught up in setting such high standards in all aspects of their lives,that they fail to see that all they are doing is creating stress on themselves and also their loved ones around them by being so focused and driven on their goal. I'm all for 'Health and Wellness'...that is what I preach all day and every day in my Clinic. But I'm also all about living a stress free life filled with Laughter,Fun,Happiness and Love. Stress is a KILLER. "Stress is recognized as the #1 proxy killer disease today. The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease " And if some pe...